The difference in 3 months – Redox Signaling Molecules…

Summary Well, I have to say other than my annoying cough, which may be due to detoxing or maybe just because its that time of the year, but other than that I have nothing to complain about. I generally feel great, I have energy, I get out of bed (which hasn't always been the case), …

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Redox Signaling Molecule update - week 8

How I’m feeling at week 8

Week 7 has been my new "normal", which is great, generally okay with the main issue being my arm pain. The pain has generally been moderate increasing throughout the day with overuse. But the best thing is that I have not needed to wear my support brace on my elbow! Having said that to the end of the week and beginning of week 8, I've started to feel a little sick, I think my body is fighting something or possibly going through a detox stage.

OMG these molecules are starting to work, I am so happy!

I've just had to share how I'm feeling today, I'm in shock. Below is a text I sent to my dear friend who introduced me to redox signalling molecules! OMG 😲 I just woke up and was in the shower for a few seconds and I burst out crying, my pain level in my arm …

Continue reading OMG these molecules are starting to work, I am so happy!

First weeks results on using the Redox signalling Molecules

I've kept a daily record of how I feel while taking this molecule beverage, hopefully, over the next few months, I can see any differences in my wellbeing. I'm not expecting much straight away, any significant changes I've been informed can take between 3-6 months. If you haven't read my previous introduction post, see here > …

Continue reading First weeks results on using the Redox signalling Molecules

First week on redox signalling molecules

4 days ago a close friend of mine asked me to go to a presentation about a new health product that she thought I would benefit from. I was a little intrigued but the main reason I went was that she was a friend and I'm so glad I did. After hearing the testimonials of …

Continue reading First week on redox signalling molecules

Weight Management Program – Evolution

Day one of my weight management program... and I've already been asked on Facebook why am I doing this? Well it's not just over weight people that need to manage their diet, these products aren't really for a diet as such but to manage your diet. They contain some amazing ingredients which helps support your digestion and metabolism, …

Continue reading Weight Management Program – Evolution

The world wide web is filled with controversial ingredient information?

Unfortunately the world wide web is filled with controversial information; not all sources of information are reliable and not all studies are conclusive, especially when using major search engines as primary sources of research. It seems so many people are quick to judge and form inconclusive opinions when researching products. One can easy to get …

Continue reading The world wide web is filled with controversial ingredient information?